zondag 12 september 2010

NY here I come!

I have booked my trip to New York!!!!!!! :D
I'm so excited, Now working every day, October 21 shopping and sight seeing in New york!


8 opmerkingen:

Pusteblume zei

NYC is just awesome. I love this city so much, it's almost like my hometown ;)
You are gonna like it there!

Jennifer - Stylish Clin d'Oeil zei

Enjoy NY! It's such a nice city!

J's zei

Wauw, super vet !
Heel veel plezier

Lauraaa, zei

woooow, I wish i was you.. $

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog zei

YAY! I bet you'll have a blast!


Yasmine zei

ah, zo leuk! heel veel plezierr! :)

x afterFANTASIES.blogspot.com

La penderie de Chloé zei

ENJOY !!! And take a lot of pics for us ;p

xx Chloé - lapenderiedechloé*

Daniëlle zei

Ik wil ook naar New York =(