And now I've seen the first episodes from season 4 and I love this season :)
The clothes, the storyline, EVERYTHING!!
So finally I had some inspirations for my blog. I love the style from Blair Waldorf, so here are a few pics from her.

Her style is so colorful and chic. I love it! What do you think?
I was still a little bit sick last week and that's one of the reasons that I didn't post anything.. This week I have more time to post, so keep an eye on my blog ;)
4 opmerkingen:
she has a great style, love it.
amazing outfits!
En dankjewel voor je reactie op m'n outfit.
Ze weet zich altijd goed te kleden!
ik vind het leuk dat Leighton verschillende printjes met elkaar mixt, daardoor ontstaan hele onverwachte maar super toffe combinaties! :)
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